do sneak cigarettes late at night

they pulled my hair at charm school.

they stole my guestbook during rolecall.

, or stayAthome. + MAY 9. 2003 = s 6 + 7 +8


This takes place in the beau's 70's house (aka Peckerwood Estate, a name drunkenly declared by Peter one late night van ride home). This takes place after we've abandoned Ben's bed and its tangled blankets & yellow sheets for the music studio. He is sitting in his orange chair. Computer files. Push play. New pieces that he has been working on sound glitchy&clicky&emotional.

And I want to take a picture of our bare feet. Of his blue s l a c k s & my mussed up hair & the blue rug.

To save for Later.

(at dinner he says: well, it's true that I don't like to travel, but I like to do it because it makes you happy. Last year I didn't want to go to CA , b u t, I went because you wanted to and it was fun & it was fun to travel with you. I don't think that's wrong. )

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