do sneak cigarettes late at night

they pulled my hair at charm school.

they stole my guestbook during rolecall.

"required you rely upon theories and equations as evidence" + November 1.2005 = 1:42 p.m.

email from bmd:

"November 1 maybe the nicest day of the year. Just left office crypt to walk down to the river. The foliage is electric. Your eyes expect to see power cords and outlets at the base of the tree trunks."

11/1 mercer street.
that rosenbluth building renovation is nearly finished. glass windows. mannequins dressed for a preppy yuletide time. it was so perfect this summer when it stood empty and dark. wide empty spaces in lieu of windows. that view was amazing// backs of buildings behind it standing properly in the morning sun. crumbling bricks. hardwood floors. the proportions looked all off & yet, right.

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