do sneak cigarettes late at night

they pulled my hair at charm school.

they stole my guestbook during rolecall.

./ close to spring + March 19. 2002 = 6:55 p.m.


At moments, quite silly/melodramatic. Sunday's night of crying in the dark kitchen to Sade's lover's rock album on repeat. ( oooo!) No lights on & skin all soft after long bath. Cry into my knees as he isn't coming over and I fear : perhaps, perhaps, perhaps... he doesn't This, after Saturday's wrestling on my bed during which he says those three one syllable words. Monday and bruised kneecap due to metal post and hallway speed walking. Monday night and Ben2 and I watch Apocalypse Now. ( Martin Sheen, so yo u ng@!)

Tuesday. & will shun LateNight crowd and, instead, spend inside hrs with tall boy & his long limbs & etc< etc >etc.

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